our approach

Beryl Skills Advisory is committed to improving individual, group and organization productivity and profitability.

Our core expertise is Skills Advisory which is an part of the growing trend of outsourcing functions, in the global economy, where establishments require experts to take over processes that are not part of their core business.

With this business solution; there is liberty to choose how much and which portions of your operations or functions to outsource and options range from a single short-term project, to a longer-term management agreement.

Soft & Hard Wired Skills

Some of the “soft competencies” of “people” and “relationships” are the most important factors in organization success – Patricia Shafer

Our decades of experience working with small and medium sized organizations, has equipped us with insight that performance, productivity and profitability hinges more on the so called intangible competencies and personality calibration issues that plague human populations beyond technical expertise. We therefore support our clients with a full bouquet of assessments to understand the inherent soft and hardwired skills sets, so we can proffer credible and measurable solutions to align, develop or enhance towards supporting the achievement of their goals or vision.

Emotional Intelligence

Not education. Not experience. Not knowledge or intellectual horsepower. None of this serve as an adequate predictor as to why one person succeeds and another doesn’t – Emotional Intelligence 2.0

There’s more to success than IQ!

Chrysolite Outsourcing Ltd is duly certified to train and coach the best Emotional Intelligence program on the globe. Our tool consists of an assessment and literature combination, which provide a very robust interpretation of your areas of strength and weaknesses while offering tailor- made strategies and activities to bridge the gap between your current and ideal self and supporting the capacity to attain your goals.

Performance Coaching: Executive & Life

Facilitating individual and corporate performance is integral to achievement of vision and purpose. We are skilled in assisting you to lean into your discomfort and discover the best path to that aim.

Culture: Development & Integration

Culture is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a group of people. It is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of – sometimes unspoken and unwritten – rules for working together.

We understand that how your team works together will determine the quality of the results you get and therefore are eager to work with you to design, develop or enhance the requisite culture to drive engagement and achieve greater results from synergistic effort so you can achieve greater and faster; prudently.

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how can we help you?

Contact us at the Beryl Advisory Company Limited office or submit your inquiry online.

Resource alignment or integration ?